Funding Secured for 4th River Access

Additional Funding Secured for a 4th Lackawaxen River Access

PA Fish & Boat Commission Announces roughly $250,000 for Indian Orchard site

May 12, 2022 – Lackawaxen River Trails is proud to announce that the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) has awarded Wayne County nearly $250,000 to construct a fourth river access between Honesdale and Hawley. This time, the site is located in Indian Orchard along Route 6 near the intersection with Route 652.

This additional funding does not require a match. Plans include parking, a rain garden as well as stormwater treatment, pre-cast launch, comfort station and picnic area.

“The site is particularly scenic, sunny, and open, so our approach was to provide access and limit the impact and built items,” said Jayson Wood of Woodland Design Associates, Inc. which provided the professional landscape architecture design plans.

The Wayne County Commissioners are the applicant for the grant funding again, having secured roughly $1 million so far for river accesses from state agencies including the PFBC and Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). Lackawaxen River Trails and its steering group, the Wayne Pike Trails and Waterways Alliance (WPTWA) extend its gratitude to the commitment from county leaders to execute the vision of the trail development.

One river access at Bingham Park in Hawley is already complete while two more in Honesdale and White Mills will begin to see construction as early as this year. PFBC, DCNR and Wayne County officials will mark the collaborative effort to fund these projects on May 23 at Industrial Point in Honesdale.

There is currently no timeline on construction at the fourth river access while all entities including the WPTWA, Wayne County and the property owner finalize agreements required to move forward.